Some Outrageous, Shameless Lies and Stories From Narcissists That Will Make Your Head pin.

This is a little glimpse into the mind of the narcissist and the bazaar, unbelievable things that they do.  These are actual accounts from individuals' court records, emails, and texts (consent to share these accounts has been obtained and any identifying information has been omitted) .  You cannot make this stuff up if you tried!

1) This occurred during a court ordered mediation session where the narcissistic wife was claiming the house purchased at the beginning of the marriage should be entirely hers, despite the equitable distribution laws in her state.

Narc Wife:  The $70,000 for the down payment on the house came from my savings account in Canada!

Husbands Attorney:  We have your bank records going back 15 years, all you ever had was a checking account and the most that was ever in that account was less than $1000. Where did the $70,000 come from?

Narc Wife:  Well, obviously you don’t no how the banking system in Canada works! It came from that account!

Husband's Attorney:  Please explain how the Canadian system works. Do you have any other accounts that you did not disclose? Do you have any deposit slips, transfers, records of any kind of where the $70,000 came from?  Do you have any paper trail showing that you transferred the money into the closing company's bank when purchasing the house?

Narc Wife:  That's not the way they do it in Canada!  I just called my bank and they sent the money, my money, for my house!

Husband's Attorney :  I wish to submit into evidence a certified check from the husband's premarital savings account in the amount of $70,000 dollars made out to the closing company's bank, just three days before the actual closing of the house. I would also like to submit records from the closing company's bank showing they received these funds from the husband's account.

Narc Wife:  No! They are lying!!! That is all made up!  He knows the manager of the bank and even gave her a turkey for Christmas one year!   They are in cahoots and the manager made up those checks and deposit slips! That was my money and my house!!!!

The narcissistic wife screamed and yelled to the point of almost being arrested.

2) This is from a contempt of court hearing during a long, drawn out custody battle involving temporary 50/50 custody arrangement where the narc husband had been ordered not to drink any alcohol in the presence of his child. The narc had a long history of drug and alcohol abuse resulting in violent outbursts.

The narc father took his child to a friend's house for dinner where he proceeded to drink. The child became scared because she knew she had to drive home with him intoxicated.  The child texted her mother to tell her she was frightened because of what had been transpiring.  The mother called the police and asked for a wellness check. The police stated they would have to catch him in the act of drinking and driving and could not enforce a family court order.

Rather than apologizing, or at least, feigning contrition, the narc father became enraged and began threatening the mother with child alienation and a court hearing. The mother, fed up with the antics of the narcissistic father filed a contempt of court hearing. At the hearing the narcissist father brought his friend as a witness to testify.

Judge to narc husband:   Were you drinking that night?

Narc husband: Well not really.

Judge: What do you mean not really?

Narc husband: Well my child could not see because I was outside by the pool.

Judge: So you were drinking.

Narc husband: Well, as far as my child knew it was cranberry juice.

Judge to Witness: Were all of you drinking that night?

Witness: Yes, we were all drinking.

Judge: Even the father?

Witness:  Yes, even the father. But it was only three ounces!

Judge: Three ounces? How would you know that?

Witness: Well, we were by the pool, and the pool glasses are only three ounces big.

Judge:  So all of you only had one glass?  How many bottles did you drink?

Witness: I’m not sure, we all drank, but it was a three ounce glass.

Judge to Narc Husband: So you were drinking alcohol?

Narc Husband: But like my witness said, it was only three ounces!

Judge: And your child saw you?

Narc husband: My ex-wife is in violation of the TPA, she has our child spying on me! I don’t want them to have any contact on my parenting time!

Judge to narc husband: how many glasses did you drink?

Narc husband: three ounces, I had three ounces.

Judge: Did you drive home?

Narc Husband: Yes, but it was only a three ounce glass……

The mother refused to traumatize her daughter and to have her testify, this took jail time off the table. The judge still found him guilty of contempt of the temporary parenting order, fined him, and threatened him with jail time.

3.)  A woman had been married to a narcissist whom she separated from after she caught him cheating. The narcissist husband took a “salt the earth” approach and was determined to hurt her as much as possible throughout the legal proceedings.

The woman befriended a man who had been through a surprisingly similar situation and was also separated and entrenched in a caustic divorce with his narcissistic wife. The man and woman became friends, due to their strikingly similar situation.  They helped to support each other through the traumas they were mutually experiencing.  However,  the narcissistic exes found each other through social media.  They combined forces to wreak even more havoc. The lengths the narcissists went through were almost comical, if you ignore the fact that children, livelihoods, and wellbeing were at stake. The plots, plans, and lies concocted between the two narcissistic exes were virtually incomprehensible, yet had to be defended against in court.

Entered into evidence by the narcissistic husband was a 40-minute recording of a what sounded like a staged discussion between two people, reading from a poorly written script.

Narc Wife: “Hello, I have become aware that my ex-husband has been sleeping with your ex-wife and I thought it was my duty to let you know”

Narc Husband: "This is out of the blue! I am so sorry that my ex-wife has been sleeping with your ex-husband, I can’t believe they have done this to you. Do they have Alienation of Affection laws in your state? They have them in my state and your ex is in big trouble in my state and we can sue them! I am so glad you told me, if you can get your ex to testify for me I won’t sue him, do you think he will go for it?”

This continued for 40 minutes.

The narc ex-husband attempted to sue using an obscure alienation of affection law. This law allows a spouse to sue an individual that causes their other spouse to end their marriage. This is a common tactic used in order to avoid paying alimony to one's ex-spouse. By this time, the narcissistic ex-husband had already been caught cheating about a year earlier. It was an unabashed attempt at projecting and flipping the narrative to make the innocent spouse appear guilty. The lawsuit moved forward, costing several thousand dollars to defend, however, was ultimately dropped due to lack of evidence.

During the subsequent discovery period of the narcissists' financial records and depositions it was discovered that both narcissistic exes had stayed together in a $1600 dollar a night hotel, the narcissistic husband took the narcissistic wife on shopping sprees that included a pair of $1000+ Jimmy Choo shoes, and was paying some of the narcissistic ex-wife's attorney fees. All of this at a time when the narcissistic ex-husband claimed he lost his job and had not payed child support in months.  Again, shameless.

Narcissists will lie, cheat and deceive before and during a relationship. However, the degree of wild tales gets turned up exponentially at the end of a relationship or during court proceedings. These are just a few examples of the unbelievable things that can happen once the relationship with the narcissist has ended.  They are brazen and will do and say anything to hurt those they victimized, even if it means taking themselves down in the process. There are no boundaries and no shame in exploiting or hurting others and this often results in some of the most outrageous, unbelievable tales. Be prepared, because nothing is off the table.

Sending you strength, light, and love.


Supporting your Kids Through Narcissistic Abuse


The Fine Art of Holding your Tongue When Dealing with a Narcissist in Court