— Meredith R. Virginia Beach, VA
“The Wily Survivor's coaching was a game-changer for me. Her understanding of the complexities of post-separation abuse and financial manipulation was invaluable. She equipped me with the tools to navigate the legal battles and regain control of my life. Thanks to her unwavering support, I emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before.”
-Scott New York, NY
“Imagine being dropped into the raging Colorado River, swept by the torrential currents, smashing into rocks, swallowing water, and feeling as if you will certainly drown any second. Then as if out of nowhere, an incredible life preserver pops up next to you and shores you up. Metaphor aside, this is how my life went. As a victim of narcissistic abuse by both my parents and then getting into a relationship with a malignant narcissist, I felt like I was drowning. I’ve seen a few therapists and read all the popular self-help books and I still felt as though I was drowning, until I met the Wily Survivor. She taught me about Narcissistic abuse, trauma bonding, and coercive control, all without shaming me, truly listening to me and validating my experiences. The Wily Survivor informed me and gave me the tools I needed to heal and thrive. Just like with a life preserver, I had to swim and do the work, but I now have the tools to make myself happy and feel like a whole person. Thank you Wily Survivor!”
— Susanne S. Coral Gables,FL
“Esther guided me through the most difficult period of my life. No one understood what I was going through. Not my therapist, not my family, not even my friends. Esther is truly the Wily Survivor and she taught me how to move forward and survive.”
-Marcy G. Boulder, CO